Its almost exam time! Some students may be sitting for an online exam for the first time. This workshop will help them understand how the experience of an online exam is different to an on-campus exam and how to best prepare for this. The workshop also covers preparing for a regular on-campus exam. Make sure your students are aware of this valuable workshop by promoting it in your unit!

The Exam Preparation workshop is free for all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. It will focus on:

  1. How does an online exam differ from a traditional exam? How best to approach an online exam. 
  2. Preparation for exams – planning, prioritizing and revision strategies. 
  3. Sitting an exam – strategies for managing stress. 

Workshop date: Thursday the 20th of May, from 2-3pm.. Held Via Zoom

Students register here: 

This workshop is offered by the Learning Skills Unit who also run a series a workshops for students throughout each session covering essential study skills for students. Further information is available on the Study Skills website.

Posted by Teche Editor

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